Our Mission
Welcome to OIC- Osaka Islamic Center
Fast changing scenario of the world and lackadaisical attitude of the Muslim society forced us to bring out the achievements of Osaka Islamic Center in the lime light to review the confidence of the society so that the Muslim society also participates with us give an impetus in achieving the objectives of the Society with a lightning speed.
It is a necessity that a man has to be educated in the modern and contemporary education to be a part and parallel of the existing system either in japan or anywhere in the world. But at the same time it is the religious obligation of every Muslim to have at least the basic knowledge of their religion. May it happen that all our children join the religious institutions but certainly it is not going to happen ever.
The advent of modern education brought about the development of new social and cultural values and provided new means and tools to conquer the nature and expioit the natural resources to serve the humanity
Our Board
Well taken care of by our board
Abdul Manaf
Aliful Hamzah
Abdul Manaf
Financial Manager